No fancy slogans or visionary vistas.
You could also call it no-nonsense, our approach. But we know what we are talking about and bring a lot of experience. We leverage that experience by focusing on the right details. Every project is different, but our approach is always the same.
Okay… sounds nice, but will I see any of that as a client?
Plenty of it! At Stone, we believe that true personal commitment is one of the most important factors for a successful project. And that commitment starts with our people; when we start working on our client’s project, we make it immediately clear which colleagues are working on it. Clients are often supported by two colleagues, three at most. Until everything is finished. And you can hold us to that.
Those people are there for you, always. We understand that sometimes in the evening, a thought or insight can come to mind. If we don’t have an immediate answer to your question, then you can always count on one the next morning.
Good stewardship, you can expect from us too. It may sound boring, but we approach projects as if we were paying for them with our own money. The reality is that in our profession, more often than not, things can be disappointing. That is not necessarily a bad thing, because we know that and so we act accordingly. Clients trust us with their budgets, we make sure that at the end of the day, everything fits. Always.
© Fokkema & Partners | Photographer : Bram Vreugdenhil
Clarity without surprises
That’s what we mean by transparent at Stone Projects. Every client knows exactly what they are paying us for and what work we perform in return. No fuss about responsibilities or foggy budgets, that only distracts from the objective: an Outstanding Office.
What we do and how we do it – we make that absolutely clear at the start of each project. Where does our involvement stop and that of another partner begin or vice versa. If that is clear to all involved, you will stay ahead of 99% of surprises.
Our clients pay for our work, nothing else. If we seem to exceed our budget, we will explain why and find a solution. We have no price or bonus agreements with the architects or suppliers we work with.
This way of working allows us to be truly independent and only serve our client. This works more pleasantly for everyone and thus delivers the best results.
That is why we see it as our number one job to help you make the best choices. The context of each office is different. And budgets in each project are also different. Our knowledge of technology, the market and property use help our clients make the best choices for their unique needs.
We are a team that truly understands offices in both breadth and depth. We are a solid sparring party for each party in the project, with our client’s principles always coming first.
That also means we will never simply tell you what you want to hear. If you really know your stuff, we believe you have a duty to help clients make wise choices. So advising can then also mean warning. The client always ultimately makes the choice; we provide the right arguments and considerations to make that choice.
No matter how good your choices have been, without exception, all projects still have areas of concern, which come to light after completion. That’s just part of the journey. So at Stone Projects, we are ready to take care of this even after completion. The project may be (almost) finished, but the relationship does not stop there. That too is a choice.
© HofmanDujardin | Photographer : Matthijs van Roon